We have many new movie and TV reviews for August to check out. From new release movies in theaters like Jungle Cruise to new movies on streaming (such as Resort to Love) to period dramas, new TV shows, and even some classic Jane Eyre adaptations. We hope you’ll find the Reviews of the Month feature useful and find something new to watch.
![August 2021 Movie and TV Reviews Featured image; collage of movies/shows](jpg/august-2021-movie-and-tv-reviews-featured-1.jpg)
For the movie and TV reviews, scroll down and read all, or click on the title that interests you in the links below.
(Note: The full-size reviews link to separate pages. Also, the “where to watch” section is for availability in the U.S. at the time of this post’s publication and is subject to change.)
![Movie and TV Reviews Of The Month (August 2021) With 'Jungle Cruise,' 'Schmigadoon,' And More; pinterest image](jpg/movie-and-tv-reviews-of-the-month-august-2021-with-jungle-cruise-schmigadoon-and-more-2-1-510x765.jpg)
Big Shot (Comedy-Drama Series, Sports, Romance)
The Café (Comedy, Romance)
Cruella (Comedy, Crime, Period Drama)
Jane Eyre (1934) (Classic, Drama, Romance)
Jane Eyre (1943) (Classic, Drama, Romance)
Jane Eyre (1970) (Classic, Drama, Romance)
Jane Eyre 1973 (Classic, Drama, Romance)
Jungle Cruise (Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Period Drama)
The Last Letter From Your Lover (Romance, Period Drama)
Loki (Action-Adventure, Fantasy)
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (Comedy-Drama Series, Sports, Romance)
Radium Girls (Period Drama, History)
Rebecca (2020) (Period Drama, Romance, Mystery)
Resort to Love (Romance, Comedy)
Schmigadoon (Musical, Romance, Comedy)
Shetland (Crime Drama, Mystery)
This Little Love of Mine (Romantic Comedy)
You Are My Spring (Drama, Comedy, Romance, Mystery)
‘As Luck Would Have It’ Review: This New Hallmark Irish Movie Is Delightful (Romantic Comedy)
The K2 Korean Drama Review: An Entertaining Modern Retelling Of Snow White (Drama, Romance, Action, Sci-fi)
Punky Brewster Review: The Revival Is A Cute And Fun Watch (Comedy)
‘The Pursuit Of Love’ Review: This Is A Delightful And Witty Period Drama (Period Drama, Romance, Comedy/Satire)
![Movie and TV Reviews Of The Month (August 2021) With 'Jungle Cruise,' 'Schmigadoon,' And More; pinterest image](jpg/movie-and-tv-reviews-of-the-month-august-2021-with-jungle-cruise-schmigadoon-and-more-3-510x765.jpg)
#1 Big Shot (2021)
![Big Shot Promotional Photo](jpg/big-shot-1.jpg)
Big Shot is a Disney+ Dramedy Sports Series about a college basketball coach who ruins his prestigious career after losing his temper and throwing a chair on camera. Marvyn Korn (John Stamos) has no choice but to try and revitalize his dead career by becoming a coach for a high school female basketball team at an elite private school.
Then enter his daughter, who also temporarily needs a place to stay.
From the creative mind of David E. Kelley (Ally McBeal) comes another fantastic drama show about family, love, redemption, and friendship.
Overall, Big Shot is a well-written series for anyone who appreciates 3-dimensional, flawed characters. And, as the show doesn’t have an ending yet, I’m hoping for a second season (particularly so the writers have more time to develop a “potential” romance between Korn and his assistant coach.
Content Note: TV-PG.
Where to Watch: Disney+
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Three Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-three-hearts-final.png)
#2 The Café (2011)
![The Cafe TV Series Poster](jpg/the-cafe-tv-series-poster-1.jpg)
Available on Britbox, The Café is an adorable British series about a seaside café in Weston-super-Mare written by the two main stars. Not a lot happens in The Café, but that’s why it works.
Here, it’s all about the conversations with a touch of romance as well! In the story, Sarah desires to be a children’s writer. But with no prospects yet, she returns home to help her mother run a café. Meanwhile, there’s a potential romance with a past love. And he may or may not wait around for Sarah to realize her feelings.
Overall, this is a feel-good series to enjoy when you’re feeling down. There are even nods to Jane Austen in this sweet little series!
Not to mention some hilarious moments from a young Phoebe Waller-Bridge. However, I must warn, the series ends on a frustrating cliffhanger with an ambiguous romantic ending.
Content Note: TV-PG, but sometimes the innuendo makes it feel more TV-14.
Where to Watch: BritBox, BritBox Amazon Channel. You can also buy a digital copy.
![Four corsets rating](png/overall-four-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#3 Cruella (2021)
![Cruella promotional art](jpg/cruella-1.jpg)
Cruella tells the untold story of Cruella before she became the devilishly evil Cruella de Vil. Fashionable and fun, Cruella is a period drama full of wit, stunning costumes, and impeccable villainy from Emma Thompson.
Compared to other live-action reimagined films based on Disney’s animated movies, Cruella is by far the most original. Cruella is a coming-of-age story about ambition, revenge, and hope with some nods to the cartoon. Even the sidekick characters are fully realized. Honestly, Cruella is more a Wicked-type retelling of Dodie Smith’s novel with twists and turns than a play-by-play retelling.
The stylized filmmaking is also superb, using the 1970s as a backdrop to brilliant effect. But Emma Thompson, as the Baroness, the story’s true villain, is also the real star.
While Emma Stone is fantastic as Cruella, the Baroness is pure sociopathic evil which will help you root for the other villain in the making. If you haven’t had a chance to watch Cruella yet, make it a priority. It really is that good!
Content Note: PG-13 for violence and bullying.
Where to Watch: Disney+ and in theaters
![Five corsets rating](png/overall-five-corsets-final.png)
#4 Jane Eyre (1934)
![Jane Eyre 1934 photo](jpg/jane-eyre-1934-1-1.jpg)
Colin Clive and Virginia Bruce star in this first talkie version of Jane Eyre. While it often feels like an amateur production, and it isn’t an accurate adaptation of the novel, it is historically relevant.
Virginia Bruce plays Jane as a feisty, gorgeous blonde unafraid to voice her opinions. At the same time, Bruce portrays a sweeter Rochester.
I recommend watching this only if you’re a film history buff or love Jane Eyre and want to see every version ever made. It’s overall a nice love story but not artistically that great.
Read more in 15 Of the Best Jane Eyre Movies and Adaptations, Ranked.
Content Note: It’s pretty wholesome.
Where to Watch: Stream on Tubi and FlixFling. Rent/buy on Digital (Amazon) and DVD.
![Two and a half corsets rating](png/overall-two-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Three Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-three-hearts-final.png)
#5 Jane Eyre (1943)
![Jane Eyre 1943](jpg/jane-eyre-1943-promo-image-1.jpg)
Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine star in the first great adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The gothic love story about the orphan Jane and her moody employer, Mr. Rochester, is a brilliant example of Old Hollywood at its best.
The gorgeous cinematography and the stormy Gothic visual atmosphere, and artistic lighting make this movie. Plus, you won’t want to miss the underrated performances from Peggy Ann Garner as the young Jane and Elizabeth Taylor as Helen Burns.
Overall, while the screenwriter removed some significant plots from the novel, the performances and production quality compensate for it.
Content Note: NR but PG-like due to a few frightening, intense scenes.
Where to Watch: Stream on Hoopla. Rent/buy on Digital and DVD.
![Five corsets rating](png/overall-five-corsets-final.png)
![Five Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-five-hearts-final.png)
#6 Jane Eyre (1970)
![Jane Eyre 1970 image](jpg/jane-eyre-1970-image-1.jpg)
This Emmy-winning TV movie starring George C. Scott and Susannah York is all about the original music score from John Williams. This Jane Eyre adaptation focuses on the love story between Jane and Edward Rochester and brings out their romance with the haunting music score from Williams.
While an imperfect production, the good performances, artistic direction, and transportive soundtrack will bring you into the magical story, leaving you with a lasting and favorable impression.
Watch this version if you appreciate filmmaking with an artistic touch.
Content Note: NR but like a mild PG.
Where to Watch: Stream on IMDB TV and Redbox. You can also rent/buy on Digital (Amazon) and DVD.
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Five Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-five-hearts-final.png)
#7 Jane Eyre (1973)
![Jane Eyre 1973 DVD cover](jpg/jane-eyre-1973-cover-1-1.jpg)
Michael Jayston and Sorcha Cusack star in this underrated BBC adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. While the production can sometimes feel too theatrical with a staged look and a few overdramatic performances, the two lead actors more than compensate for the dated quality.
Jayston especially gives a fabulous performance reminiscent of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in the iconic 1995 Pride and Prejudice adaptation.
The dialogue also often follows the book word for word, so Jane Eyre purists are sure to love this version. But if that’s less important to you, watch for Jayston. He is an excellent Mr. Rochester giving a performance all period drama fans should see.
Where to Watch: Buy on DVD.
Content Note: TV-PG-like.
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Five Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-five-hearts-final.png)
#8 Jungle Cruise (2021) Movie Review
![Jungle Cruise promo photo](jpg/jungle-cruise-2-1.jpg)
Jungle Cruise is basically The Mummy mixed with a little bit of Pirates of the Caribbean, and while not as good as either one makes for a fun, escapist watch full of romance and adventure.
The movie has silly jokes, moustache-twirling villains and is entirely derivative. But it’s still entertaining to watch with a fantastic cast, gorgeous visuals, and a charming love story.
When Dr. Lily Houghton travels to the Amazon jungle with her brother, she hires Frank Wolff to take her downriver on his riverboat. She wants to find an ancient tree with legendary healing powers. Soon, adventure and romance find them.
Overall, watch if you’re looking for a good blockbuster romance. And yes, this movie is categorically a romance in the style of a classic adventure serial: Emily Blunt, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Whitehall, Edgar Ramírez, and Jessie Plemons star.
Content Note: PG-13
Where to Watch: Disney+ and in theaters.
![Four corsets rating](png/overall-four-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#9 The Last Letter From Your Lover (2021) Movie Review
![The Last Letter From Your Lover Promo art](jpg/the-last-letter-from-your-lover-1.jpg)
Based on Jojo Moyes’ popular novel, The Last Letter From Your Lover is a compelling romance movie reminiscent of An Affair to Remember and Possession (2002). While not as brilliant as either, the film captivates from start to finish. And it is sure to please all the romance fans out there.
The film follows a double story, one set in the present and the other in the past (the 1960s). When the journalist Ellie Haworth (Felicity Jones) discovers love letters in the archives, she begins unraveling the mystery behind the forbidden love affair between a wealthy married woman (Shailene Woodley) and a financial journalist (Callum Turner). While Ellie solves the puzzle to find out what happened to them, she starts her own romance.
Overall, while the lighting was too dark in a few scenes, this must-see romance movie builds to an epic romantic ending. If you cry watching movies, make sure to have a tissue.
Content Note: TV-MA for brief strong language and sensuality. There is one PG-13-like love scene, and it is short.
Where to Watch: Netflix.
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Five Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-five-hearts-final.png)
#10 Loki (2021) TV Review
![Loki publicity still](jpg/loki-tv-series-1.jpg)
Some Minor Spoilers:
In Loki, the latest Disney+ Marvel TV Series, Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki from the MCU. Last seen in Avengers: Endgame, a variant of Loki (not the one who dies) breaks off from the timeline after stealing the tesseract.
This version is old-school Loki, the god-of-mischief from the first Avengers film. But all his grandiose plans of conquering end rather quickly when the TVA (Time Variance Authority) finds him and plans to prune him for crimes against the sacred timeline.
Thankfully, Mobius (Owen Wilson) wants Loki’s help to track down an even more dangerous variant, a Loki who turns out to be a woman. Indeed, much of the story is about unraveling the truth of the Time Variance Authority, the Timekeepers, and understanding a female Loki named Sylvie.
RELATED: Romantic Moment Of The Month: Wanda And Vision In Emotional Finale
Of course, Loki being Loki, falls for a version of himself, making this one strange romance. Strange but entertaining at the same time, thanks to deeper characterization and chemistry.
If you’re invested in Marvel movies, the season ends with a massive cliffhanger leading into the future films as well as a much-deserved second season.
Overall, Loki has a great cast, a fun premise, and intriguing mythology. However, the villain reveal in the last episode is underwhelming with a silly performance that doesn’t quite work. I can’t say more than that without giving everything away.
Still, if you love shows like Doctor Who or are just a huge Loki fan, Loki is an enjoyable series to delve into, and I can’t wait for season two.
Content Note: TV-14 for moderate violence and mild profanity.
Where to Watch: Disney+
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#11 The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (2021) TV Review
![the mighty ducks game changers publicity still with Emilio Estevez and Lauren Graham](jpg/the-mighty-ducks-game-changers-1.jpg)
I wasn’t expecting to like Game Changers as much as I did, but I was pleasantly surprised by the heartwarming scripts, perfect casting, and just the right amount of nostalgia.
It’s also more of a rom-com than one might expect, with the screenwriters behind 13 Going on 30 and What Women Want working hand in hand with the original Mighty Ducks’ creator, Steven Brill. They present the perfect slow-build romance between Emilio Estevez and Lauren Graham (who continues to be extremely funny). If you were to combine Gilmore Girls with The Mighty Ducks, you’d find Game Changers.
I also liked how likable the child actors and their characters are in an ’80s movie or Stranger Things kind of way. So, no annoying performances here!
RELATED: The Most Comforting Romances To Binge-Watch Right Now
Maxwell Simkins, as the sweet and the smart-alecky Nick, is a particular standout. He gives a young Sean Astin vibe mixed with the humor of a young Corey Feldman. This kid has a bright career in the future.
The story follows Evan and his mother (Graham) as they start their own hockey team of underdogs after he gets cut from The Mighty Ducks. They soon meet a grumpy Gordon Bombay who may or may not help this group of underdogs meet their potential while also reigniting his love for the sport.
Watch for Lauren Graham, Estevez, the likable characters, and for the nostalgia. It’s a fun series for the entire family.
Content Note: TV-PG
Where to Watch: Disney+
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#12 Radium Girls (2020) Movie Review
![Radium Girls Movie Poster](jpg/radium-girls-poster-1-1.jpg)
Radium Girls follows Bessie, a young factory worker, and her fight to advocate for better and safer work conditions when her sister and other factory workers become ill (some even dying) from radium.
While the story is based on actual events, the main characters have been fictionalized. Still, the movie has a nice, inspirational message, and it’s an enjoyable enough movie to watch. But it never really quite soars due to a mediocre script and directing.
Sure, it makes you think about what you eat, what makeup or skincare you use, and why you shouldn’t always trust corporations. But it had the potential to be so much better.
The romance is not that inspiring or exciting. Nor does it add much to the story – other than to help give the main protagonist a chance to explore radical ideas.
What did work was the bond between women – particularly the two sisters. And it’s an eye-opening film introducing many to the actual tragedy from the 1920s.
Content Note: TV-14 for language.
Where to Watch: Netflix. You can also rent/buy it on Digital.
![Three and a half corsets rating](png/overall-three-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Three Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-three-hearts-final.png)
#13 Rebecca (2020) Movie Review
![Rebecca with Lily James; publicity photo](jpg/rebecca-with-lily-james-1.jpg)
Based on the famous bestselling novel, Rebecca is the latest version of the story. Mrs. De Winter is a young newlywed finding herself drowning from the legacy of Rebecca – her husband’s former and deceased wife.
Believing her husband will never love her as much as he did Rebecca, Mrs. De Winter falls into a state of jealousy while being manipulated by the villainous Mrs. Danvers.
The execution of the story is half-hearted and doesn’t bring anything new or inventive to the table.
The visual look of the film is beautiful – the location, the setting, the costumes, the hair, and the makeup. But the script makes odd changes from the book – including changing the personality of Mrs. De Winter. Sure, Lily James is always good in a period drama, but she feels a bit miscast here.
Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs. De Winter is excellent, but even she can’t save an entertaining but average adaptation with odd and melodramatic creative choices.
Content Note: PG-13 for thematic elements and sensuality.
Where to Watch: Netflix.
![Three and a half corsets rating](png/overall-three-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#14 Resort to Love (2021) Movie Review
Erica (Christina Milian) takes a temporary job as a singer at a five-star resort on a beautiful island after a major career disappointment, only to discover that her ex-fiance is also there getting married to someone else. Meanwhile, she befriends his brother, Caleb (Sinqua Walls) – a dreamy protector of spies.
Resort to Love is a cute romantic comedy with strong chemistry between the leads and a gorgeous setting. Sometimes the dialogue is awkward, and it’s not the best rom-com ever made, but if you enjoy Hallmark movies or contemporary women’s fiction/chick-lit, you should enjoy this movie. It’s also fun to watch Milian perform numerous pop songs throughout the film.
Overall, it’s a nice, relaxing watch worth checking out if you’re looking for a pleasant diversion.
Content Note: PG
Where to Watch: Netflix
![Three and a half corsets rating](png/overall-three-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#15 Schmigadoon! (2021) TV Review
![Schmigadoon poster](jpg/schmigadoon-poster-1-1.jpg)
A parody of the Golden Age musicals, Schmigadoon is a romantic musical-comedy television series that is absolutely delightful. The six-episode series features Broadway’s greatest from Moulin Rouge’s Aaron Tveit, Alan Cumming, the amazing Kristin Chenoweth, Ariana DeBose, Jaime Camil to Jane Krakowski. So, of course, the original musical numbers are hilarious and entertaining from start to finish.
In Schmigadoon, a modern-day couple (Melissa and Josh) go on a backpacking trip and accidentally discover this strange town where people break out into song and dance. Not to mention, it’s like going back in time.
At first, they think it’s a show but soon realize they are trapped in this strange town. Melissa and Josh discover the only way to leave Schmigadoon is to find their soul mate. Unfortunately, the “town” seems to reveal that they are not entirely in love and they can’t escape. So, while in love with each other, Melissa and Josh decide to look elsewhere for love to escape from the town since they can’t leave together.
Overall, the romance is adorable, the numbers are catchy and fun, and the parody is spot on. If you love musicals, embrace the comedy, enjoy the romance, and make it a top priority to enter the original world of Schmigadoon. There’s absolutely nothing else like it on TV.
Content Note: TV-14 for sensuality and innuendo.
Where to Watch: Apple TV+
![Five corsets rating](png/overall-five-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
#16 Shetland (2013) TV Review
![Shetland TV Poster](jpg/shetland-tv-poster-final-1-1.jpg)
As a huge fan of British mysteries, I was pleasantly surprised to discover Shetland. Shetland follows Jimmy Pérez, a Detective Inspector in the Scotland Shetland Isles. DI Pérez deals with a different murder each season, some stronger than others. Nevertheless, all the mysteries are engaging, and Douglas Henshall, who I adored in Primeval, shines as the leading man.
Furthermore, the entire cast of characters and interesting season-long guest stars like Ciaran Hinds and Archie Panjabi are sensational. Sometimes, there’s a little romance, but Shetland is more of a riveting detective series with well-rounded characters. It’s also about the beautiful Scottish scenery.
In short, if you’re looking for a fabulous British mystery to watch on Britbox, you can’t go wrong with Shetland. Plus, there are more seasons on the way!
Content Note: TV-14, but there is some strong language in the later seasons.
Where to Watch: Britbox, Britbox Amazon Channel. Buy on Digital or DVD.
![Four and a half corsets rating](png/overall-four-and-a-half-corsets-final.png)
#17 This Little Love of Mine (2021) Movie Review
![this little love of mine movie poster](jpg/this-little-love-of-mine-1-1.jpg)
This Little Love of Mine is a sweet yet generic rom-com about finding love on a tropical island. Similar in formula to a Hallmark movie, the Netflix movie follows a hardworking woman who must return to her childhood home: in this case, an island called Sapphire Cove.
Here, she reconnects with her childhood friend Chip and reevaluates her priorities and life choices, including her engagement to Legend of the Seeker’s Craig Horner.
While a familiar story, this Netflix love story is still enjoyable escapism. The main characters are likable, and the location is stunning.
However, one has to wonder why the filmmakers decided to make this Australian film take place in America with Australian actors doing faux (and not consistently accurate American accents). Why not just take place in Australia? I love the accents, and the setting is way more romantic. But I digress.
Content Note: TV-G
Where to Watch: Netflix
![Three corsets rating](png/overall-three-corsets-final.png)
![Three Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-three-hearts-final.png)
#18 You Are My Spring (2021) TV Review
![you are my spring poster](jpg/you-are-my-spring-poster-1-1.jpg)
You Are My Spring is a new Kdrama about a psychiatrist and a hotel concierge who bond while dealing with a serial killer. The series is at times heartbreaking (showing past childhood traumas) and at other times light and funny.
The characters are intriguing, the chemistry between the cast good, and the premise strong. There is a bit of a love triangle, but it twists in surprising directions – which is a good thing.
While I don’t know how this series will turn out, the series is entertaining so far.
New episodes air on Mondays.
Content Note: TV-14 for suicide and adult themes.
Where to Watch: Netflix.
![Four corsets rating](png/overall-four-corsets-final.png)
![Four Vintage Hearts Rating](png/romance-four-hearts-final.png)
What are your thoughts on these movie and TV reviews? What have you seen? Do you agree or disagree? Discuss below.
![Movie and TV Reviews Of The Month (August 2021) With 'Jungle Cruise,' 'Schmigadoon,' And More; pinterest image](jpg/movie-and-tv-reviews-of-the-month-august-2021-with-jungle-cruise-the-last-letter-from-your-lover-and-more-1-510x765.jpg)
I absolutely loved Cafe and it’s quirkiness. Also, I enjoyed This Little Love of Mine despite its’ flaws. I was on the fence about The Last Letter from Your Lover until that emotional ending. I’m glad to read your opinion on Radium Girls because I wasn’t sure it was worth my time.
Hi Brittaney! Yeah, The Cafe is such an underrated little gem we both really enjoyed. 🙂 The Last Letter From Your Lover had such a great ending which really pulls the whole film together! Anyway, glad we could help. Thanks for your thoughts. 🙂