Title: Prophecy Revealed: Raven Hills Coven Book 4
Series: Raven Hills Coven #4
Release Date: 10/11/21
Genre: ,

When one turns to four or so says the lore.

Great power will come forth - East, West, South, and North.

The raven will rise.

Willow has dreamed of him each night when her eyelids slip shut. They’ve walked hand-in-hand through their dream state. They were already friends, half in love when her Ascension Day came. Unlike her elder sisters before her, something monumental and earth-shattering happened upon her ascent. Gaia had a piece of the prophecy hidden from all seers. The coven was taken by surprise. What was revealed changed everything. But their travels on their mating night bring them unforeseen adventures and they meet an unknown kind. New friends and new allies emerge.

Osirus grew up the third son of a prominent Fae family. His parents rule the Novus kingdom with firm, yet kindhearted hands. When he was fortuitously pulled into the Aetherworld, it was a shock to his eternal being. Dreamwalking was only gifted to powerful wizards, seers, and healing elders—those who seek guidance from other paranormals, so they may guide the numerous realms’ leaders—an aptitude neither Willow nor Osirus should be capable of possessing. Meeting her reveals his life’s predestined course.

The mighty battle draws close, but with these new prophecy revelations, the sisters can’t help but fear how truly powerful Dora has become. The question still lies. Are the ravens, along with the allies they’ve acquired along the way, powerful enough to defeat their villainous aunt?

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